How to Vote

Important Dates:

August: Submit your vote by mail application 

August 27th: Voter Registration Deadline for MA Primary

August 29th: Vote by Mail Application Deadline

We encourage sending applications 7-10 days earlier than this deadline to ensure you receive your ballot and send it back in time to be counted.

Voting Dates:

August 27 - September 2: Early Voting, times, and location vary from town to town. Check your town/city's election page closer to the early voting period to find out your early voting options. 

Tuesday, September, 6th: MA Primary, polls will be open 7 am - 8 pm. All mail-in ballots need to be received by your local election by 8 pm on this day. 

Watch Vivian Open Her Ballot:

Your Options to Vote.

After 30 other states (including GA and TX) granted the right, decades of advocacy by our voting rights community, and a global public health pandemic, in July 2022 voters in Massachusetts finally secured the right to vote by mail with no excuse.  If you have not received your vote by mail application, you can submit a signed letter to your election office requesting a ballot. This is a great option for those who might be traveling the long weekend ahead of the Primary, do not have the time or means on a weekday to get to your polling location, or are just not sure what their day will look like on Sept. 6th.

There is still time to request your Vote by Mail ballot, use the form provided by the state here ( )

Voting by Mail.

Early Voting.

Once again, the primary was scheduled for the day after Labor Day- September 6th. This is a tough day for many families and working people. In some communities it’s the first day of school. But this election is too important to have your voice left out, so please consider voting early. The early vote period August 27th through September 2nd. Check with your local election office to confirm the early voting locations in your community.

Election Day.

Tuesday, September 6th is our state primary day this year. Although it can be a tough day for many people following the holiday weekend and with preparations for the start of school, this primary election is too important to sit out. Decisions impacting the future of Massachusetts will be made on this day, and you have a say in that future by casting your vote. Do not miss this opportunity. If you are in line at your polling location by 8pm your vote will be counted, so stay in line!