Progressive Massachusetts Endorses Vivian.

We are excited to announce that Vivian has been endorsed by Progressive Mass, a statewide, member-driven grassroots organization committed to fighting for a vision of shared prosperity, racial and social justice, good government, and environmental sustainability in Massachusetts.

Progressive Mass has this to say about Vivian:

"Vivian Birchall has been a persistent champion of accessible government. She has fought to close racial disparities in health care access and empower students of color to use their voices for change, and she would be a powerful voice fighting to end racial and gender disparities in healthcare; for economic and racial justice on Beacon Hill and she will be a state representative eager to strengthen small “d” democracy. The Massachusetts State House would be a better place with more people with her experiences and skills in office”


Renew US Endorses Vivian.


Joe Ready Endorses Vivian.